Monday, January 30, 2006


The 'Good News' is coming!

(WPI) - It is anticipated that President Bush will ignore both conventional wisdom and opinion polls to claim that his policies have been efficient, productive and successful in his State of the Union speech Tuesday night.

Those close to the preparations have told WPI that Bush will not acknowledge any of overwhelming public opinion numbers demonstrating that Americans are deeply dissatisfied with his goals and management.

Numerous polls taken across the nation in anticipation of the speech show, with a surprising and overwhelming uniformity, that the public believes President Bush has failed in every aspect of his administration from Iraq, to the economy, to disaster relief to making the country safer and less dependent on foreign oil.

However, Washington insiders are not surprised that the President will ignore the data. Political analysts suggest that Bush has never been concerned about his poll numbers and that the advancement of his political agenda is the central objective of the oval office.

President Bush long ago put all his faith in Karl Rove to tell him what mattered and what the true ‘state of the Union’ is,” said Libertarian commentator, Stanforth Kracpotte, “Rove doesn’t ever measure ‘public opinion,’ he measures only the advancement of the NeoCon agenda. By that standard they have been amazingly successful.”

Bush is in office for the next three years, who is going to get him out,” asked liberal analyst Drew Debonge, “The White House only cared about public opinion insofar as the data would help the President get reelected. After that, “Who cares?’”

President Bush has been fantastically successful,” asserted ultra conservative analyst Nate Sobrite, “He has aligned the Christian Right as a fanatical support base, he has persuaded the public that ‘Activist Judges’ exist and are a problem, he has slashed the taxes on our super rich, the most productive members of American society I might add, and he has established a powerful military presence in the oil-rich Mideast, right at Russia’s doorstep. If the American public doesn’t like, it or share that vision, maybe they shouldn’t have voted for him!

Moderate political pundit, Emmet Phaillure agrees, “Bush is the embodiment of a philosophy: A strong Executive who ignores Congress, public opinion, the security of the nation and anything else that doesn’t advance the goal of deconstucting the federal government insofar as it regulates business or impedes the ultra wealthy. In the only poll that matters to NeoCons, the opinion of the super rich ‘corporatists,’ Bush has an almost a 100% approval rating.”

“Karl Rove understands that the media is now spineless, directionless and controlled by ‘market forces’ which eviscerates any willingness to be controversial,” said moderate Ima Dedidea, “Without a press core to try and hold the government somewhat accountable, the administration can, and does, merely say one thing and do the opposite. What’s the penalty? What difference does public opinion make?”

“The public? What do they matter?” laughed progressive political writer Zane Inne, “If you required people go to the voting booth to give their opinion it would take three years to get enough data! At least half of the people who answer a opinion poll don’t ever vote. Why should Bush care. It’s smoke and mirrors with those guys anyway.”

“Look, Bush, Cheney and Rove stole the first election with voter fraud in Florida with an assist by the Supreme Court,” claimed Kent Winn freelance contributor to The New Republic, “They stole the next election with voter fraud in Florida and Ohio, what makes you think they’re afraid of a little ‘Public Opinion?’ These people TAKE what they want. Three years to go, public support or not!”

Generating a negative attitude toward the government is desirable,” said Republican Blogger Ali Fook Yossafah, “Promoting the idea to the public that the Federal government is bad- stupid, incompetent, heavy handed and wasteful- is part of the agenda.

What do you think ‘Smaller Government’ is about? The NeoCons want a government which is empowered to impose and collect taxes but has no oversight on spending
. This way the Federal government will act as a agent for big business to collect and distribute revenue under penalty of prison! These NeoCons are brilliant! Scary, but brilliant.”

The President is doing just fine,” said Thomas J. Donohue Chairman of the US Chamber of Commerce, “The public is generally ignorant and naive. They are too susceptible to the liberal media. They are followers. The Bush administration is doing exactly what we elected them to do.”


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