Friday, July 22, 2005


Angry Confrontation in White House

Washington (WPI) - Robert Novak of the WSJ revealed that presidential political adviser Karl Rove threatened to resign if President Bush failed to hurry his Supreme Court nomination. Rove, distraught over the savaging he has been receiving in the press over revealing a CIA operative to the media, allegedly told Bush to, “Get on the stick!” and, “get a nominee out there to take the heat off,” according to Novak.

The reporter, who originally named Rove as his source when he violated national security by revealing the name of an undercover CIA agent, claimed the confrontation took place in the oval office as Bush was being served breakfast. Two sources, one high level and one servant, both speaking under anonymity, claimed they witnessed the outburst. “Mr Rove, he come rushin’ right inna door,” said one “an’ he was shakin’ his finga at da Mr. President.” He continued, “He tol ole Mr. Bush, ‘You git me offn the TV or I’m gonna quit yo’ ass! Den whea ya’ll gonna be?

This report was confirmed by the other witness. “Mr Rove was very upset. Apparently he had just come from his White House apartment, he still had his slippers on when he barged into the oval office. Samuel was giving the President his poached eggs and we were all startled by the abrupt interruption.” He continued, “Karl charged up to the desk, waving his finger and demanded that the President make an announcement that day for a Supreme Court nominee.

It had previously been reported the President was intending to announce his selection on July 26 or 27 just before he left Washington for a one month vacation.

A witness claimed that the President replied to Mr. Rove, “Karl, I can’t do that. I’m taking off for a whole month. The announcement is scheduled to cover for me- you know how the press always dogs me over vacations.” According to the GAO no president has ever taken so many days off as President Bush has.

Rove is alleged to have replied, “George, I don’t give a s–t! The press morons are all over me! Every lazy dickhe-d in the media is calling me a criminal. I need some time to plot strategy- you are it!”

Allegedly, the President told Mr Rove that the vetting of his nominee, Judge Edith Clement ,was not complete and wouldn’t be until next week. Rove then told the President to, “Use what’s his name, Roberts. He’s as clean as a baby’s butt.” He then added, “I don’t care who you pick- we can deal with that later. Just get it done- TODAY!”

According to the witness Rove then charged out of the oval office.

Until yesterday most press reports claimed that Ms Clement was the unchallenged leader in the nominating process.

Scott McEllen, spokesman for the The White House, in a statement dismissed the allegations as, "ridiculous."


PM "Furious" at allegations

London (WPI) - Prime Minister Tony Blair fiercely denied allegations that Thursday’s “Blasting Cap” bombing, as the police have labeled the event, were carried out by British agents, on orders from the White House.

I absolutely, unequivocally, whole heartedly deny that the US ordered this!" Said the beleaguered PM, echoing a phrase he used when he denied that WMD information had been fabricated.

Critics, some in the intelligence community, have said that the “mini-bombings” don’t make sense any other way.

Moslem extremists don’t do this,” said one high level intelligence officer, speaking under anonymously “they don’t blow up ‘show bombs.’ They blow up real bombs. Somebody did this to distract the press. That’s all.”

Story developing...


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