Wednesday, July 27, 2005


A 'jet-lagged' Donald Rumsfeld does a Parisian jig for conquered Iraqis

Iraq's Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari, called for a swift withdrawal of U.S. troops and the top U.S. commander in Iraq said on Wednesday he believed a "fairly substantial" pullout could begin next spring and summer.

The transitional prime minister spoke at a joint news conference with Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld saying that the time has arrived to plan a coordinated transition from American to Iraqi military control throughout the country.

We both have elections to think about!” grinned the cadaverous Rumsfeld, “It’s time we get our stories straight.”

Al-Jaafari was asked how soon a U.S. withdrawal could happen, he replied that no exact timetable had been set. "But we confirm and we desire speed in that regard," he said, speaking through a translator. "And this fast pace has two aspects."

“This is what I meant” interrupted Rumsfeld, “We have a lot of qualifiers. A lot of outs, if we need them.”

Rumsfeld, later described by a spokesman as suffering from jet-lag, was interrupted by Gen. George Casey, the top American commander in Iraq.

“First, there must be a quickening of the pace of training of Iraqi security forces, and second there must be closely coordinated planning between the U.S.-led military coalition and the emerging Iraq government on a security transition,” Casey read from a statement.

"We do not want to be surprised by a withdrawal that is not in coordination with our domestic elections,"' he said.

Speaking earlier with U.S. reporters traveling with Rumsfeld, Casey said he believed a U.S. troop withdrawal could begin by spring 2006 if, "and this is a big IF," progress continues on the political front and if the insurgency does not expand.

“It is important that American voters know that we have a scheme for a withdrawal. We don’t have to stick rigidly to it, I mean, there are lots of factors. We will commit to a plan, then qualify it, get past the mid-term elections and see where we stand.”

The General presented the list of “qualifiers” to reporters in a press release entitled, “Conditions for Significant Withdrawal of US/Coalition Troops from Iraq.” It included:

* More recruits. Secure recruiting stations from insurgent bombs.
* Retain US personal. Cancel retirements, delay US returns, etc.
* US polling. How war/GOP is faring.
* Blame Syria.

Reporters were detained at the conclusion of the joint press conference and Casey’s earlier written statement was confiscated. A spokesman for General Casey explained that the document was incorrect and a revised press release would be distributed later.


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