Sunday, September 04, 2005


'I'm a little addicted!'

Washington, (WPI) - In an effort to counter blistering criticism that the President and his administration failed to understand and react to the hurricane Katrina disaster, the First Lady went on the offensive yesterday. Giving an exclusive interview on WE, the Women’s Entertainment Network, Laura Bush sought to explain why the President was ignorant of the dimensions of the tragedy, especially the plight of 25,000 people stranded at the Louisiana Superdome without food or water.

“Well, it’s my fault really” said the demure and lightly blushing Mrs. Bush. “I’m afraid I was watching my shows on the TV and George didn’t get to see the news.”

While the White House has both a Direct TV satellite system, donated by Rupert Murdoch, and a cable television system, donated by Time-Warner/AOL, there are actually only three tvs.

“In the first years we were in the White house we had dozens of tv sets. They were all over!” the First Lady noted. “But I couldn’t stand the noise! George and Dick (Vice President Dick Chenny) would have sports programs blaring all day long. I couldn’t hear myself think!”

Mrs. Bush, dressed in a lovely but reserved tiny-sequined pink jacket and skirt with a darling silk blouse from Veracci recalled “As soon as they went away for the first time, Europe I think, I had the Secret Service take out all the TV’s!” She giggled softly at the memory.

“I only kept the one in the bedroom, a little black and white in the kitchen and the one in George’s bathroom- but I think that one is permanently set on ESPN!” she laughed.

“George has told people that he doesn’t read the papers but actually that includes watching news on television too.” Mrs Bush revealed. “Oh, we’ll tune in to FOX news if somebody calls us and says there’s something important happening, but that’s about it.”

Leaning in to confide with guest host Mary Hart the First Lady revealed, “Usually, if the TV is on it’s because I’m watching QVC!” Laughing outright she said, “I’m afraid I’m a little addicted!”

QVC, created by former Paramount Pictures executive Barry Diller, is a 24 hour home sales channel. It markets mainly women’s clothing but peddles other products as varied as computers, vacuum cleaners and household cleaning solutions.

I just love it! I can’t tell you how much I spend on it- George would just kill me!” Mrs Bush laughed and blushingly confided to the small, clearly delighted, live audience.

“I guess I was going through a little ‘cold-turkey’ because of all the vacation travel, so I had QVC on pretty much non-stop since we got back home. George didn’t have a chance to see any news I’m afraid.” confessed the repentant First Lady.

I know that the President and FEMA and all the soldiers are now all working very hard to help all those people. I just wanted to apologize to them for any delay I might have caused.” Mrs. Bush said, looking directly into the camera.

The rest of the half-hour program was given over to conversation about the many celebrities Mrs. Bush has met in person.

The First Lady promised viewers that she would tour the disaster area, “as soon as it drys out.


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