Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Vatican City, 4/19/05, O'Clarrity filing: "Sieg Hail! Sieg Hail! Sieg Hail!" the chant went up from the thousands gathered in Vatican Square today as Cardinal, and former Hitler Youth, Joseph Ratzinger was elected Pope Benedict XVI.

Also know as Cardinal Rat and the "Panzerkardinal" Papa Joe’s PR handlers have worked diligently to distant the new Pope from his fascist heritage. Disdaining the sin of pride, Ratzinger has had numerous books written about his humble self. In his exalted autobiography, Milestone: Memoirs: 1927-1977, (one of ten books the shy Pope has written!), he says, that he served in the Hitler Youth, a paramilitary organization of the Nazi Party, during World War II when membership "was compulsory."

In another unpretentious book, the “authorized” biography , Cardinal Ratzinger: The Vatican's Enforcer of the Faith, commissioned author John L. Allen Jr., a “Vatican expert,” states, “Neither Ratzinger nor any member of his family was a National Socialist! Ratzinger was never a member of the Nazi party!” He and his family opposed Adolf Hitler's regime, his numerous biographers have claimed. No evidence of such opposition is available. Much like the claims of several million other Germans from the period.

He was Hitler Youth, but "not in the Party.”

Ratzinger was known as John Paul's "enforcer" on matters of orthodoxy. “Only acting on orders” earned him the nicknames, “The Polski Gruppenfuerer,” “Riechsmarshal Rat”, as well as the popular, “Bishop Blitzkrieg." He was, and soon will be even more so, a polarizing figure. Most progressive Catholics see him as an ideologue who tyrannized anybody who deviated from his vision of Catholicism

He became Chancellor of the Doctrine Office (formerly known as Sacred Congregation for the Universal Inquisition) in the infamous Wine Cellar Putsch of November 8, 1973. Ratzinger used his new powers to persecute liberal professors who challenged church teachings on such burning issues as papal infallibility, the immorality of artificial birth control, and the color of angel wings. Though not yet Pope, he used his authority to confiscate the academic positions and university property of those he blamed for “the problems of Father Church!”

He also launched a crack-down on believers of liberation theology, the contentious campaign for social-justice advanced by Latin American clergy in the 1970s. Although there was never a connection between Liberation Theology and Marxism, Ratzinger vowed to exterminate liberationism's suggestion of a class war being waged against the poor. He issued the infamous Gleichschaltung Doctrine ordering Priests, nuns and bishops to stay out of politics or be sent for theological rehabilitation in religious work-programs in Poland.

All this was done as John Paul was employing every tool in the Church arsenal to overthrow communism in Poland.

In his autobiography, Ratzinger depicted Nazis as "fanatical ideologues who tyrannized us without respite." His biographer Allen wrote, "Having seen fascism in action, Ratzinger today believes the best antidote to political totalitarianism is ecclesiastical totalitarianism.”

“You can take the boy out of National Socialism...,” shrugged disgruntled Cardinal Fortunato, another more progressive candidate for the papal seat. “God help us.”
Also read the David O'Reilly story at Knight Ridder Newspapers:


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