Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Looking rested, tanned and deeply saddend by the hurricane tragedy, the President leaves Air Force One

Washington (WPI) - Still stinging from criticism for waiting more than seven minutes after the attacks on 9/11 President Bush today acted quickly to act decisively. Two days after Hurricane Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast obliterating it and sinking New Orleans perhaps for good, the president cut short his planned 30 day vacation by two entire days.

With the estimates of fatalities reaching into the thousands the president rushed to adress all Americans. Speaking from a publicly restricted military base, Mr. Bush gushed with sympathy for the victims of the unfolding tragedy. "These are trying times for the people of these communities. We know that many are anxious to return to their homes. It's not possible at this moment," the president said standing against a backdrop of the imposing USS Ronald Reagan at the naval air station in Coronado, Calif.

The President and First Lady were able to complete their private tour of the William F. Hearst castle in San Juan Capistrano before being airlifted to the naval base.

Returning to his job three days after the start of the disaster but still, “ahead of schedule” might protect the president from criticism that he was vacationing during the crisis. The White house is concerned that the meager sacrifice of two days vacation will be seen as nothing more than a symbolic gesture to hurricane victims.

The man works hard, he’s told us that a hundred times!” defended Senate Majority leader Tom Delay. “The President is sensitive to how bad he looked after 9/11. It took more than two weeks for him to recover and appear like a decisive leader. I’m grateful he listened to our advice this time. He can make those days up later.”

It is projected that Bush will visit the ravaged region by week's end, or sometime in the near future. Details on that trip were in flux because “The White House wants to make sure a presidential tour would not disrupt the relief and response efforts,” said Scott McCellen.

It sucks a vast amount of resources from a community when the President visits. The press has to be called in and managed. Police forces commandeered, roads shut down, municipal buildings virtually held hostage for days. It can be very disruptive, especially in a disaster area.” he explained.

McCellen said a tentative travel itinerary was being established. “First the President will check on the condition of the oil platforms; he’ll take a look by helicopter at the damage inflicted on the area’s casinos and then meet with a coalition of GOP fund-raisers and lobbyists from Louisiana and Mississippi, before heading back to the White House.”

The storm also closed oil platforms and pipelines in the Gulf Coast. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman said Wednesday that the administration will release oil from the federal petroleum reserves to help refiners affected by the hurricane.

Refiners have been hit terribly hard by this disaster but we must be very cautious about the process,” Bodman said. “Crude prices are driven by the free market and we don’t want a ‘Big Government’ intervention to disturb that. No matter what the crisis we must keep our eye on the policy ball." Joking he added, "Texas crude is just starting to become profitable again!”

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Robertson salutes destruction

Virginia Beach, (WPI) - Televangelist Pat Robertson took credit for the enormous destruction of hurricane Katrina today on his 700 Club program.

“Just last week, we all prayed together, right here, for the Lord to cleanse the vile approbates that inhabit this godless swath of earth!” Robertson told viewers, referring to New Orleans.

This devil’s den was the epicenter of the sinful, orgiastic depravities which so besmirch the American population. God Almighty has answered our fervent prayers. In His blessed wisdom He has heard us, and like the Aegean Stables of Hercules, he has purified this despicable headquarters of sin.”

Co-anchor, Blanche Swalloe, earned Robertson’s ire when she added, “Thank you Lord for your power, for showing Christians your will. Thank you Almighty God for smiting this evil hub of drinking, gambling, fornication, drug use and colored music.”

“That’s not why God did it!” snapped the visibly angry Robertson. “We prayed to destroy the Fifth Federal Court and wipe out the last vestiges of the French on American soil! Weren’t you listening?”

New Orleans Mayor, Ray Nagin, on learning of Robertson’s comments said, “Look, we have a lot on our plate right now. He really said that about the French?"

Traditional supporters of the televangelist also moved quickly to distance themselves from the remarks.

Senate Majority leader, and unabashed Christian poser, Tom Delay released a statement saying, “The Republican Senate is deeply sorrowed about the loss of life and property caused by Hurricane Katrina. Our prayers are with all those who are suffering. The contributions of the French to America are great and cannot be denied. I’m sure my friend Pat was referring to the unforgivable failure of the arrogant French government to join the war on international terrorism. I agree about the Federal Court, however. God recognized the need to remove these activist judges. Remember, they were the ones who ordered the removal of the Ten Commandments from the courthouse. I believe this is the intervention of the Almighty that we all have been asking and praying for.”

Gov. Kathleen Blanco said, “I think these people are a little bit crazy.”


Carlsbad, Ca. (WPI) - Reacting to the unease created by Suni dissatisfaction over conditions in the proposed Iraqi constitution President Bush today announced that more troops will be sent to Iraq.

Taking a break from his month long vacation, the President and First Lady spoke to the press after exploring the famous caves nearby. Not in their original vacation plans the Bushs traveled to California on Air Force One after heavy rain was forcast for their ranch in Crawford Texas.

“Donald called me this morning,” Bush said referring to Secretary of Defense Rumsfelf “It is the opinion of our generals on-site that we beef up the forces until we pass through this remarkable, historic moment in the evolution of democracy in the Arab world.

“I spoke to the Army Chief-of-Staff and we have 1500 reservists actually already prepared and everything in Mississippi so we’re shipping them out today.”

The President then asked members of the press corp for new information on victims from hurricane Katrina. “That’s sad.” he said on learning the latest casualty figures from an AP reporter.

The President and Mrs Bush are scheduled to visit the famous Hearst Mansion at San Capistrano later today.

Monday, August 29, 2005


Congressional Democrats unify message

Washington, (WPI) - Key members of the Democratic party, frustrated over their party’s handling of the war in Iraq, today issued a statement emphasizing a consensus on their ineffectiveness. The policy document, entitled “Celebrating Diversity in Foreign Policy Impotence!” was released jointly by House and Senate Democrats.

For too long we have been divided on proposing any alternate plan for a solution in Iraq,” presidential hopeful Senator Hillary Clinton said. “Today, however, we stand as a united front. We have nothing to offer.”

“We just don’t know,” added Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, “The polls show that most Americans no longer support President Bush or the war, but we don’t know what to do with that information.”

Added Senator John Kerry, “About the only thing we could offer is an immediate, complete withdrawal before any more people die, but we have no reliable polling data that shows the public will endorse that.”

“This isn’t a question of right and wrong,” said Sen Joseph Biden of RI, another prospective presidential candidate, “It’s about putting forth a solution which has no significant political backlash.”

“Six months down the road I don’t want to be accused of being a coward or soft on terrorism!” cut in Dianne Feinstein, D-CA.

“The issue is this,” Clinton continued “President Bush has succeeded in convincing Americans that there is a link between the Iraq and terrorism. Our polls how that most voters still think of the war as a reaction to 9/11. If we advocate for a withdrawal, and there is any kind of terrorist attack, no matter who does it, the GOP will crucify us for having caused it.”

Ted Kennedy D-Ma., who opposed the statement, had to be restrained after grabbing Senator Binden around the neck.

“There’s really not very much we can do,” added Dick Gephardt “If we take a stand later events might effect our chances at reelection. We like our jobs.”

The group then formed a circle and put their hands together in the center for photographers.

Sunday, August 28, 2005


Drug Enforcement Agents fill sandbags

New Orleans (WPI) - Agents from the Drug Enforcement Agency donated thousands of kilos of seized cocaine for use in sandbags in anticipation of severe flooding from hurricane Katrina.

Cocaine sand bags have several advantages,” explained Chip Ceptome, Director of Emergency Services for New Orleans. “When they get wet they harden like rock. Once they’re in place, they stay there.”

Truckloads of seized coke were shipped in by dump truck from storage facilities outside Washington, DC.

Clevon Knowes
, supervising DEA agent for the project, said that this was a valuable use for the contraband. “This stuff has been piling up for years. It’s very difficult to burn, you can’t flush it down the sewers. This puts the stuff to good use. It’s cheaper for the taxpayer too.”

New Orleans Parish prisoners have assisted the DEA in assembling the sandbags. “I’ve been working for fifteen hours straight,” said Lester Bloode, awaiting sentencing for marijuana possession, “I’m a little numb but I feel pretty good.”

Friday, August 26, 2005


Proposed monthly MTA pass

New York, (WPI) - On Tuesday the Metropolitan Transportation Authority announced that it had selected the Lockheed Martin company, best known for military hardware like warplanes, missiles and antitank systems, for a three-year, $212 million contract to create a surveillance and security system for NY’s subways.

But one aspect of the project emerged today that has many MTA riders up deeply upset. The Express Pass Suppository Plan has subway users red-faced and angry. According to documents obtained by World Press International, Lockheed and the MTA plan to issue a monthly all-you-can-ride pass in suppository form.

“The benefits are enormous,” the documents, prepared by Colin Scrappe, vice president of Lockheed Martin's Transportation and Security Solutions unit, said. “The suppository can contain all manner of information: a digital photo of the user; their name, address and phone number; monthly travel history; a thumb print (obviously!); consumer behavior; internet usage; even their credit report.

The papers argue that a data device carried internally by NYC’s enormous rider base would provide an unprecedented level of security. It is estimated that upwards of 95% of all subway users buy a monthly pass.

Lochheed Martin research has shown that homicidally agitated people invariably develop loose bowls. This might be our first warning of a pending terrorist attack.”

According to former Lockheed employee and WPI consultant, Ima Soare, the suppository technology derives from a military weapons program begun several years ago.

“Right now the basic hardware is ‘off-the-shelf.’ It consists of a small tapered ceramic cylinder with a computer chip inside. It can be programed to do a variety of tasks and holds about 1mg of data.” Soare said.

It was originally designed as an anti personnel weapon. We could drop millions of these across a battlefield. They’d bury themselves in the ground and when a warm body came near they’d come out, crawl up the person and detonate. Our troops would have a control device set at a specific frequency to neutralize them. They delayed the project because of spontaneous ignition. When I left they were still working out the bugs.”

The Lockheed documents show that the MTA model, once embedded, would release tiny “velcro-like” hooks to attach the “Bullet Pass,” as it’s called, to the wall of the colon. At the end of the month the consumer can either electronically renew the pass or evacuate it.

Recharging the Bullet Pass will require the construction of several privacy booths in each subway station for programing the data.

This is important technology,” the documents conclude, “The data collected from the Bullet Pass, when sold to advertisers, will more than offset the cost of installation. If we can save even one life by implementing this project it will have been worth it. Consumer education is the key.”

Numerous privacy groups are gathering tomorrow in Manhattan to demand details on the project.

The Lockheed Martin Corporation is owned by Wal-Mart.

Science and Fiction reporter Phillip K. Dick contributed to this story.

Thursday, August 25, 2005


President Bush tries to express ideas

Crawford,Tx (WPI) - President George W. Bush said on Wednesday terrorists had converged on Iraq and that pulling U.S. troops out would only embolden them. Bush’s admission that the US invasion of Iraq is the motivating factor in attracting and nurturing insurgents break ranks with the denials asserted across the Republican/Conservative political spectrum.

Bush is wrong!” declared Senate Majority leader, Tom Delay. “I have said all along, and the Defense Department agrees, that the rise in the insurgency has nothing to do with America’s struggle against global terrorism.”

Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumfeld agreed. “My generals tell me that the insurgents are all homegrown Iraqis. To suggest that they are coming in from other countries, that they are flooding in because of the presence of American forces is, well, just wrong headed.”

Rumsfeld continued, “By this logic, if the US were to withdraw then the insurgency would wither. That’s just stupid.”

Bush’s comments come just two days after he offered a different rational for maintaining the war. On Tuesday the president said that the US should stay in Iraq so that more soldiers can die as a way to honor those who have already died. Speaking to a stupefied VFW audience Bush said, “ We owe them something. We will finish the task that they gave their lives for ... by staying on the offensive against the terrorists, and building strong allies in Afghanistan and Iraq that will help us win and fight -- fight and win the war on terror.''

Conservative news and talk shows immediately went on the offensive against the president. Rush Limbaugh said on his daily radio program, “What is the man saying? I mean, what is he really saying, that terrorism is WORSE because we are in Iraq?” Adding, “ Where does he get his information from, Cindy Sheehan?” referring to the mother of a soldier slain in Iraq who is protesting the war outside the President’s ranch in Crawford Texas.

Bush's remarks, coming with the announcement that 1,500 more troops were headed to Iraq in coming weeks, is part of an effort to counter increased anti-war sentiment which has contributed to a huge decline in his approval ratings.

A Harris poll on Wednesday showed Bush's approval rating dropping to 40 percent, while 58 percent of Americans had a negative opinion of his job performance. This is a startling decline of 5% in just six weeks. The previous Harris poll in June had Bush's approval rating at 45 percent, versus 55 percent disapproval.

Forty-one percent of those polled said Iraq was the most important issue facing the country, up from 24 percent in June. Other recent polls have shown growing unease among Americans with the Iraq war.

Bush said foreign fighters from Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, Egypt, Sudan, Yemen, and Libya were targeting Iraqi civilians with car bombs and suicide attacks.

"An immediate withdrawal of our troops in Iraq or the broader Middle East, as some have called for, would only embolden the terrorists and create a staging ground to launch more attacks against America and free nations," Bush declared. “Wait a minute, didn’t I just say that it was the US presence that was creating the insurgency?” The President asked an aide standing behind him.

Returning to his prepared text he concluded weakly, "So long as I'm the president, we will stay, we will fight, and we will win the war on terror,"

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


TV Evangelist Ayman al-Zawahri

Pakistan/Afghan Border, (WPI) - Ayman al-Zawahri, Osama Bin Laden’s currently recognized “Number 2 Man," condemned the call for the US to assassinate Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela, by religious broadcaster Pat Robertson.

Appearing on the intermittently broadcast “2 Billion Club" Ayman al-Zawahri denounced Robertson’s comments as, “bizarre and provocative.”

“This is exactly the kind of religious zeal that is threatening the world today!” Al-Zawahri stated. “Religious fundamentalism in the western world has taken a dangerous turn. It is threatening to peace and stability globally.”

On Monday, Robertson told his Christian Broadcast Network's ''The 700 Club'' audience: “You know, I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he (President Chavez) thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it,'' Robertson said. ''It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war ... and I don't think any oil shipments will stop.''

Robertson’s comments came during a segment of the show called, “Building Christ's Peace on Earth.” The segment generally covers international news and incorporates Robertson’s religious counseling. The “Building Peace” segment comes after “Christian Actions in Today’s World” section and before “How to Activate Jesus’s Love in Your Life” segments.

Robertson added, “We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability. We don't need another $200 billion war to get rid of one, you know, strong-arm dictator,'' he continued. ''It's a whole lot easier to have some of the covert operatives do the job and then get it over with.''

During his program Al-Zawahri reminded his roughly 1.5 million viewers that this is not the first time Robertson has called for assassination. Last spring, on news of Supreme Court Judge Sandra Day O’Conner’s resignation, Robertson publicly prayed for “more openings on the Supreme Court.” Appointment to the United States Supreme Court is for life. Commenting later Judge O’Conner said, “I’d heard the rumors circulating in fundamentalist Christian networks. I admit it played a part in my decision.

Al-Zawahri, an Islamic cleric spoke during the “Allah Loves All Who Love Peace” segment of his broadcast. He identified Robertson as an important religious and political figure.

This man commands an army of thousands of Christian fanatics. He owns a private television network. He owns churches and schools and universities. He has run and nearly been elected President of this fanatical nation. He is the leading breeder of Christian fundamentalist terrorists in the world!

The US State Department took quick action to vehemently distance themselves from Robertson’s remarks and deny there was any plot to assassinate the democratically elected President of a free country in the Western Hemisphere

Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, appearing at a Pentagon news conference, grinning his familiar death’s-head smile, said: ''Our department doesn't do that kind of thing. It's against the law. That’s NSC or CIA stuff, not Defense.”

Rumsfeld would not comment whether he thought that a public call for the assassination of the president of a democratic nation by a powerful political and religious leader might be characterized as a terrorist act. Appearing to dismiss the episode he said, “Pat’s a private citizen. Private citizens say all kinds of crazy things all the time.''

State Department spokesman Sean McCormack called Robertson's remarks ''inappropriate.'' He would not respond to a question asking whether the White House thought Robertson was actually just kicking off his next run for the presidency in 2008.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


The President is watched closely by friend and former Regan family physician Dr. Bill Billingsly

DONNELLY, Idaho (WPI) President Bush told a shocked audience of veterans on Monday that the main reason for staying in Iraq was so more soldiers could be pointlessly killed to honor those already pointlessly killed.

We owe them something. We will finish the task that they gave their lives for ... by staying on the offensive against the terrorists, and building strong allies in Afghanistan and Iraq that will help us win and fight -- fight and win the war on terror,'' he told the stunned VFW convention.

The President, apparently reading marginalia, noted that Iraq was “on the other side of the planet from the US,” “had no army or navy,” “never had any WMD’s but wanted them,” “Saddam was terrorist-like” and that the “Iraqi’s were about as capable of attacking America as I am of drinking Canada dry!”

Mr. Bush, repeatedly squeezing a rice filled stress ball, said, ''I think immediate withdrawal from Iraq would be a mistake. I think those who advocate immediate withdrawal from not only Iraq but the Middle East are advocating a policy that would weaken the United States.'' Then added, “a policy of retreat and isolation will not bring us safety.'' And concluded saying that anti-war protesters like Cindy Sheehan who want troops brought home immediately are ''advocating a policy that would weaken the United States.”

The bewildered veterans applauded the conclusion of Mr. Bush speech.

Friday, August 05, 2005


Leaders quarreling upsets children

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (WPI) - President Bush, reacting to the latest video statement by Ayman al-Zawahri, accusing the US of being responsible for the London bombings and war in Iraq, blasted al-Qaida’s “Number 2" man saying, “Everybody knows you started it!”

Bush, in Saudia Arabia, home to Osama Bin Laden and fifteen of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers, took time out of his visit for the funeral of King Fahd to respond to al-Zawahri.

Here I am, an important head of state paying, what is it, obeisance to the death of a similar one, but I have to take time out to answer him? He started it, and he knows it. Don’t blame it on me!” stated the President, apparently referring to Bin Laden.

Al-Zawahri said in his statement, televised in Arab countries, that the London bombings and the continuing fatalities of US servicemen were “All Bush’s fault. He started it, we’re going to finish it!”

Bush answered, “Bring it on, man! I said it before, I’ll say it again. Bring it on! You started it, I”m gonna finish it. NOT you! Me.”

Al-Zawahri claimed that 9/11 was the result of the United States continuing support of Israel and oppression of the Palestinians.

Bush replied, “Oh, yeah sure. If they were so mad about it why didn’t they do something about it before? They just wanted to start trouble. Well, now they got it, mister! I didn’t do it. They did it!”

In a written statement delivered to reporters in Pakistan Al-Zawahri said that he would reply to Mr. Bush’s comments through his attorney and would have nothing further to say publicly.
George H. Bush makes "Bayah” with King Fahd, 1990

In a related story, President Bush and new Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul, gently slashed their wrists and bound them together in the ancient, “bayah,”or “Blood Brother” ceremony of allegiance.

The two families have apparently been practicing the ritual for several generations.

White House spokesman, Scott McCellen explained, “It’s really more of an ‘oil business’ type thing then any significant foreign policy commitment. It’s just something these old families that have been in business together do. Really, it’s harmless.”

Thursday, August 04, 2005


Heaven can't wait

Washington, (WPI) - Army recruiters, hard pressed to make their quotas, have now begun to lure new recruits with promises of, “from one to one hundred virgins.” World Press International has learned. The pledge comes in the form of a brochure being sent directly to the homes of potential recruits.

The offer states, “As an active member of the Army Reserve you’ll receive career training, money for college and, if you are killed in combat, one hundred virgins in heaven.” Later in the pamphlet the Army claims, “Most recruits come into the reserves virgins themselves. All but a lame few leave that way!” The document feature standard army images of students in class, graduates in cap and gown, soldiers running an obstacle course. Oddly out of place is a semi-nude image of women titled, “Virgins.” The brochure is designed to look “hip and X-treme” according to Amy Lowe, art director for the Lowe, Browe and Drabbe agency which created it for the Army.

In an exclusive interview, Ms. Lowe disclosed that the Army was specifically targeting more Muslim recruits.

“Apparently they can get any information out of high schools that they want. They trade schools some kind of ‘aptitude test’ which really just pre-qualifies kids for military service. It’s a pretty clever plan.” revealed Lowe. The test includes religious and ethnic heritage so the Army can tailor it’s recruiting efforts to specific demographics.

“They don’t want to send a black, gangsta, hip-hop brochure to some geeky white kid in suburbia- and vice versa.” said Lowe. “This whole virgin thing is targeting Muslims. They can’t get laid in real life I guess.”

In England it was revealed that the four suicide bombers whose bombs failed to go off had each been promised by their cleric handlers that 100 virgins would be waiting for them in heaven. This was sufficient motivation even though some of the would-be killers were married with children.

“This is crazy bullsh-t.” exclaimed Rasheed Al Ammana, a high school junior from Detroit who received one of the recruiting pamphlets. “I’m going go get my ass shot off, or worse, ‘cuse I’m gonna get virgins in heaven?! Sh-t, i can nail all kind’a skanks around here and the worst I’ll get’ll be herpies.” Al Ammana describes himself as a devoted Muslim.

The Office of Recruiting for the Army did not return repeated calls for comment.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Writer loves "Moral Tale"

New York, (WPI) - Chicago Sun-Times columnist and conservative pundit Robert Novak has been signed to star in a Broadway production of Pinocchio. The Disney project, which hopes to follow in the footsteps of the wildly successful Beauty and the Beast and Lion King shows is set to open at Christmas in New York.

We looked at many, many talented people,” said producer Lou Rentt, “but Bob just fit the part perfectly. He looks just like Jimminy and he has a wonderful singing voice.”

I couldn’t be more excited,” said Novak by phone,”Jimminy has always been one of my hero’s, and the story, well it’s just so precious.

Pinocchio is the story of a poor childless carpenter who wishes for a child. A fairy transforms a wooden puppet into a boy. Jimminy acts as the boy’s guardian and mentor through a series of misadventures. Jimminy sings the memorable song, “When you wish upon a star.”

I just hope I can do the original animation justice!” squeaked the excited writer.

Monday, August 01, 2005


Funding ignites project

Walpole, (WPI) - Raytheon has been awarded a $11 billion contract from the Defense Department to build, test and deliver the next phase of the planned “National Missile Defense Shield.”

This is an important day for the owners, managers and employees of this great company,” said Ratheon CEO, Payne Grafft, “All America will rest safer once our ‘Star Wars’ shield is in place.”

Grafft was flanked by new Ratheon owner Steven “Spanky” Walton, CEO of Wal-Mart and Yu Shau Sei of Bejjing, newly named Chairman of the Little Rock based retail chain.

This contract is good for America, American workers and our many suppliers and sub-contractors,” claimed Grafft. “This project will create jobs, and guarantee them for decades to come. Nothing is more American then that!” He shouted to the throngs of workers gathered for the announcement.

The controversial project, brainchild of Ronald Regan in the last few years of his presidency, has been lagging in recent years as it sought to prove itself. Scientific critics claim the physics are too complex and the system, designed to shoot down long range ICBMs, will not adequately protect the country.

“It’s a monumental rip-off,” said Jack Reed (D-RI) a member of the Armed Services Committee, “A least one-third of all nuclear missiles are submarine based. This so-called shield doesn’t do anything to stop them. It’s a joke. A sad, Alzheimer’s driven fantasy that will cost taxpayers billions.”

“This project is absurd,” said Senator Joe Biden (D-Del) who serves on the senate Foreign Affirs Committee. “It’s just another Republican payoff for huge campaign contributions from the defense industry.”

A joint statement, issued later by Walton and Shau Sei said, “The cynical dogs who criticize this contract are enemies of the people and the Republic. A bright new day is dawning in America, one in which the enemies of progress will shrivel up and vanish under the burning light of Truth.”